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The Observation of Trends and Impacts of States Funding on Higher Edu.cation in America


摘要:The adequacy of state funding for higher education in America is vital to cultivate the qualified workforce and help in developing the state’s economy.With the economy downturn situation,whether the current state funding is adequate to the need of institutions and students is a valuable question to be investigated.This research reviewed the whole trends of state and federal support of the higher education,having analyzed the data of higher education funding for the whole state,for the institution development,and for the students and their families.With the enrollment increasing and the inflation growing,the state fund was dropping.Although states supply a greater part of funding to public universities,most of the state funding goes to community colleges and non-research public institutions.The public research institutions and undergraduate education are important components in higher education,generating changing the development for the entire society.The state should make some adjustments in distributing funding in order to keep up with the most urgent needs of the higher education and ease pressure on the institutions,and ease the financial burden on students and their families.



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