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An Analysis of Culture Difference from the Perspective of English Euphemism and the Enlightenment on Translating


摘要:Euphemism comes into being when people have to talk about something that are regarded as offensive or rude and so on,by the hearer.It is a language pattern people created in order to make their communication effective,and also harmonize interpersonal relationships.It is a rhetorical device as well as a cultural phenomenon.Due to differences in culture,the topics English-speakers are sensitive to are not the same in China.Sometimes differences in euphemisms lead to misunderstanding or even embarrassing results.Translating,as a bridge that combines tow languages,aims at facilitating international communication.It is hard enough in itself.Therefore,translating euphemisms is a very important but difficult part of it.That field has been explored by many people,but there are still so many aspects that are not concerned.Therefore,it is still worth studying.In addition,it will also be an interesting work to study the translating of English euphemisms because there are so much to consider,including many historical stories and traditional customs and so on.



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