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摘要:Idioms are crystallization of the development of language,having been used by language users,which are succinct-formed fixed phrases or simple sentences full of profundities.English language is one of the most rich and colorful vocabulary in the world,in which idioms appear more numerous and complicated,permeating the dense western cultural traits.Linguists have already achieved great accomplishment in the research on English idioms,but most of these focus on their cultural origins,the difference between Chinese idioms and English idioms.Hence there is enough room to explore the aesthetic value of English idioms.This paper explains the importance of appreciating aesthetic value of English idioms in studying English as well.Moreover,this thesis puts forward a piece of advice to English learners:in their studying English,what they should do is not only to master the characteristics of idioms working as a communicating tool,to study English idioms well but also to pay close attention to aesthetic functions,to discover,explore and then appreciate their aesthetic value.



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