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My English Learning Experience


摘要:This essay is aimed at reflecting my English learning experience,which is divided into three stages:The first six years’of study as a junior and senior high school student,when I always got high scores in the exams.I thought I was a sucessful English learner at that time.Four years as an English major in a teacher’s college,where I found my English was as other people called "Chinglish".No matter how hard I worked I couldn’t talk freely with native speakers.As time went on,I got to know the phenomenon belonging to interlanguage fossilization of English learning.Two years later after I graduated from the university,I went to University of Canberra to study my Master degree,there I found the essential factors that could help me get over fossilization through enhanced motivation,increased comprehensible input and production of communicative output.



《海外英语》(CN:34-1209/G4)是一本有较高学术价值的大型半月刊,自创刊以来,选题新奇而不失报道广度,服务大众而不失理论高度。颇受业界和广大读者的关注和好评。 《海外英语》注重反映一级学科外国语言文学的前沿动态、报告国内外有关的最新研究成果或信息;兼顾纯理论性和实证性研究,不仅载有文论型的文章,而且报导可直接用于外语教学实践的成果。
