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Features of Cellular,Humoral and Activation Markers of Immune System and Biophysical Parameters of Superficial Membranes of Lymphocytes of Periphery Blood at Patients with a Breast Cancer

作者:Alimhodzhaeva; L.; T.cellularimmunityhumoralinnovationmarkersoflymphocytesmicroviscositymembranesasuperficialchargebreast

摘要:Studied features of cellular and humoral factors of immune system and activation markers of lymphocytes at breast cancer patients.Analyzed biophysical parameters of lymphocyte superficial membranes of periphery blood of breast cancer patients.Features of immune system reaction were:expressed Т - cellular immunodeficiency,deficiency of CD4+Т-helpers/inducers against raised expression of СD8+Т-lymphocyte,suppression of immunoregulatory index,imbalance of immunity humoral link,activity of expression CD16 + and CD56 + on natural killers and rising of expression CD38 + and CD95 + on lymphocytes.Studying of biophysical parameters of lymphocytes superficial membranes has allowed to reveal statistically significant changes characterized by intensifying of electric field and rising ofmicroviscosity,obviously leading to disappearance or weakening of intercellular interactions.



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