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China’s Economic Development and its Impact on the World during the Past 40-year Reform and Opening-up

作者:Zhang; Jianpingeconomicdevelopmentanditsimpactontheworldduringpastreform

摘要:The year 2018 coincides with the 40 th anniversary of China’s reform and opening-up. Over the past 40 years, China’s economic development has made great achievements, which may be regarded as a 'miracle' of economic development. This economic miracle is reflected in the scale and quality of China’s economic development. China’s 4-decade economic development has not only brought great changes to Chinese society, but also has a profound impact on the growth and development of the world economy. However, this does not mean that China has found a complete new road to economic development. China needs to correctly view its achievements in the 40-year reform and opening-up, and accelerate the transformation and upgrading of economic development in a new era, so as to make a greater contribution to the sustainable development of the world economy.



