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Detonation Propagation in 180° Ribs of an Insensitive High Energy Explosive

作者:S.N.Lubyatinsky; A.Yu.Garmashev; V.G.I...高能炸药爆炸传播动力学粒子速率

摘要:Steady detonation regimes, such as the detonation of explosive rate sticks, are of particular interest in studies of explosive reaction kinetics. If this is the case the detonation front shape as well as the fields of particle velocity, pressure etc. are steady in the system of coordinates linked to the detonation front. This facilitates the analysis of the experimental data obtained to verify or calibrate various detonation models.



《含能材料》(CN:51-1489/TK)是一本有较高学术价值的大型月刊,自创刊以来,选题新奇而不失报道广度,服务大众而不失理论高度。颇受业界和广大读者的关注和好评。 《含能材料》办刊宗旨:及时报道国内外火炸药、推进剂、烟火剂、火工药剂、武器弹药设计、实验及相关材料的研制、工艺技术、性能测试、爆炸技术及其应用、含能材料的库存可靠性、工业废水处理、环境保护等方面的最新成果,促进含能材料学科领域的科技进步。
