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Relationship Between Compression Strength and Its Microstructure of 5 Axial-Braided Composite

作者:Yang; Chaokun; Zhu; Jianxun; Jiang; Yu...braidedcompositefibervolumefractionmodel

摘要:Compression performance of 5-axial braided composites is observed through compression tests.A mixed model of micro-buckling shear with braided tows web is set up to predict compression stress of braided composite through analyzing three broken modes.Using this mixed model,data from tests indicated that the main parameters effecting the compression properties of braided composite are fiber volume fraction,directional angle,axial-tow volume fraction and diameter of tow.Contributing rate of tows is proposed to describe the compression properties of fibre composites.Optimization geometrical structure of braids can optimize composite properties.



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