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The Influence of Pair Spiral Extrusion Equipment on Thermoplastic Potato Starch

作者:Wang; Qing-ning; Feng; Hui-xia; Ye; Qi...thermoplasticstarchprocessmachineofpairspiral

摘要:Owing to contain a great deal of hydroxyl in Potato Starch, between the molecules and inside of molecules have very strong hydroxyl action. Thus, the liquate temperature is higher than disintegrate temperature, so it is difficult to process. Under the microscope, the microcosmic construction is a polar crystal molecule, and it appears globe predicament.To make the original potato starch into possession thermoplastic, we must make molecule of starch to change construct into amorphous state to form thermoplastic starch colophony. Besides auxiliary agent, shearing stress, temperature, time, pressure and hydrous quantity can affect the quality of starch thermoplastic too. The pair spiral extrude machine is used widely as the machines that are based of the pressure difference, and this extrude course may suffice require.Using the machine of pair spiral extrude of specific combination in the test of thermoplastic starch, the potato starch can be turned into thermoplastic starch of denaturalization preferably under auxiliary agent, shearing stress, temperature, pressure and the certain hydrous quantity.By the action of the technology process condition and the spiral combination, potato starch grains expand and fragmentate; hydroxyl bond cleave between and inside of molecules. Thus, crystallize state is changed into amorphous state. The transmutation of starch molecule property may be seen clearly from X diffraction chart and analyses of the construction property,By means of the denaturation, the crystal area of potato starch is broken,its crystallization degree is decreased,and its molecular chains are in amorphous state. The hydrogen bond among the molecular chain is broken or removed so that the starch structure is changed, making the starch thermoplastic.The processing of thermoplastic starch advances a higher requirement of ingredient water content, and technical conditions. A remodeled twin-screw extruder is used to create an environment to realize the condition of denaturalizing and plasticizing reactions. After t



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