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作者:MOYu-jun; D.L.Jiang; M.Uymura; T.Aida;...反斯托克斯红外辐照树枝状stokespresenceeffects拉曼共振卟啉withramanratiotheandfortheir

摘要:The benzene dendrimers of Fe(III) tetraphenyl porphyrin chloride[LnFe(III)TPPCl ] with n = 3, 4, and 5 (n: number of layers) have been synthesized and the IR illumination effects at benzene bands were examined with anti-Stokes resonance Raman spectroscopy for their dioxane solutions.Boltzman temperatures were determined from the Stokes to anti-Stokes intensity ratio for the spectra excited at 413.1 nm in the presence and absence of IR illumination.Temperature rise of the Fe-Cl stretching mode at 355 cm-1 is compared with that of a porphyrin in-plane mode at 390 cm-1 as a function of IR power and filtering of IR radiation.The temperature is indeed appreciably higher than that of solvent and the difference in the increased values of the Boltzmann temperatures between the two modes presumably shows the difference in the efficiency of the thermal energy transfer from the phenyl-rings to the vibrational mode.



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