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First record of the ferret-badger Melogale cucphuongensis Nadler et al.,2011 (Carnivora:Mustelidae),with description of a new subspecies,in southeastern China

作者:Song; Li; Guo-Hua; Yu; Shuo; Liu; Chan...melogalesoutheastern

摘要:DEAR EDITOR,The ferret-badger Melogale cucphuongensis was first described from Cuc Phuong National Park in Vietnam, with no subsequent reports in later years. During our surveys of the Wuyishan Mountains of Fujian Province in southeastern China during May 2018, a Melogale specimen was identified. Analysis based on pelage and skull characteristics as well as molecular data indicated it to be a new subspecies, which we nominated as Melogale cucphuongensis guadunensis subsp. nov. This is the first record of the species in China. Therefore, this research not only expands the distribution range of the species beyond Vietnam, but also indicates that geographic variation of the species should have been proceeding in southeastern China.



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