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Allele-specific expression and alternative splicing in horsexdon key and cattlexyak hybrids

作者:Yu; Wang; Shan; Gao; Yue; Zhao; Wei-Hu...alternativesplicingexpressionelementshybridspecies

摘要:Divergence of gene expression and alter native splicing is a crucial driving force in the evolution of species;to date, however the molecular mechanism remains unclear. Hybrids of closely related species provide a suitable model to analyze allele-specific expressi on (ASE) and allele-specific alter native splicing (ASS). Analysis of ASE and ASS can uncover the differences in cis-regulatory elements between closely related species, while eliminating interferenee of trans-regulatory elements. Here, we provide a detailed characterization of ASE and ASS from 19 and 10 transcriptome datasets across five tissues from reciprocal-cross hybrids of horsex don key (mule/hi nny) and cattlexyak (dzo), respectively. Results showed that 4.8%-8.7% and 10.8%-16.7% of genes exhibited ASE and ASS, respectively. Notably, IncRNAs and pseudogenes were more likely to show ASE than protein-coding genes. In addition, genes showing ASE and ASS in mule/hinny were found to be involved in the regulation of muscle strength, whereas those of dzo were involved in high-altitude adaptati on. In con clusi on, our study dem on strated that explorati on of genes showing ASE and ASS in hybrids of closely related species is feasible for species evolution research.



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