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主管单位:中国科学院  主办单位:中国科学院昆明动物研究所;中国动物学会

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动物学研究 2014年第04期杂志 文档列表

Breeding and preliminarily phenotyping of a congenic mouse model with alopecia areata第249-255页
关键词: 小鼠模型;  同类;  t淋巴细胞;  分型;  表型;  选育;  细胞浸润;  流式细胞仪;  
Avoidance of potentially harmful food cannot be socially transmitted between rats第256-261页
关键词: 食物;  社会;  老鼠;  健康状态;  传播;  安全食品;  相互作用;  运动障碍;  
The role of leptin in striped hamsters subjected to food restriction and refeeding第262-271页
关键词: 再投喂;  瘦素;  仓鼠;  条纹;  基因表达;  食品;  小型哺乳动物;  脑神经肽;  
Acute and joint toxicity of three agrochemicals to Chinese tiger frog (Hoplobatrachus chinensis) tadpoles第272-279页
关键词: 联合毒性;  急性毒性;  虎纹蛙;  蝌蚪;  农药;  中国;  苯甲酰胺;  阿维菌素;  
Metabolic rate and evaporative water loss in the silky starling (Sturnus sericeus)第280-286页
关键词: 基础代谢率;  蒸发失水;  八哥;  生理特点;  环境温度;  热导率;  最小值;  热调节;  
Postnatal ontogenetic size and shape changes in the craniums of plateau pika and woolly hare (Mammalia: Lagomorpha)第287-293页
关键词: 高原鼠兔;  形状变化;  个体发育;  兔形目;  生后;  哺乳纲;  头骨;  形态测量;  
cDNA clone and expression analysis of a-Tropomyosin during Japanese flounder (Parafichthys ofivaceus) metamorphosis第307-312页
关键词: cdna克隆;  原肌球蛋白;  变态;  牙鲆;  表达分析;  mrna水平;  实时定量pcr;  cdna全长;  
Molecular identification of Taenia mustelae cysts in subterranean rodent plateau zokors (Eospalax baileyi)第313-318页
关键词: 高原鼢鼠;  啮齿动物;  带绦虫;  囊肿;  分子识别;  组织学检查;  线粒体基因;  最大似然法;  
AVP and Glu systems interact to regulate levels of anxiety in BALB/cJ mice第319-325页
关键词: avp;  glu;  焦虑;  小鼠;  ampa受体;  高水;  
Population survey and conservation assessment of the globally threa- tened cheer pheasant (Catreus wallicht) in Jhelum Valley, Azad Kas- hmir, Pakistan第338-345页
关键词: 巴基斯坦;  山谷;  人口调查;  密度估计;  雉;  考核;  养护;  濒危物种;  
关键词: 苏州科铭生物技术有限公司;  动物学;  试剂盒;  生物技术;