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Effects of SIRPalphal on liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy in rat

作者:QinJM; LiSQ; LiuSQ; ZengJZ; ManXB; Qiu...肝脏损伤肝脏切除术小鼠动物实验

摘要:BACKGROUND:SIRPalphal is well known as a negative regulator for cell proliferation through the regulation of the activity of receptor tyrosine kinase with ITAM motif. No investigation to data was undertaken on SIRPalphal involving liver regeneration. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats underwent approximately 700% partial hepatectomy (PH) or sham operation (SO). Liver specimens were collected at 2,6,12,24,30,48,72,120,168,and 240 h after PH or SO.



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