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Application of Electron Beam Surface Technologies in the Automotive Industry

作者:RolfZenker; AnjaBuchwalder电子注铸铁3d射束偏移表面热处理

摘要:Progress in the beam deflection technique opens up new possibilities for the application of electron beam (EB)surface and welding technologies in the automotive industry. This development is based on three-dimensional high-speed beam deflection and fully automatic online process control. So, in the EB surface treatment three-dimensional energy transfer fields can be realised which take into account the contour of a component, the conditions of heat conduction and the load conditions. High flexibility, precision and reproducibility are typical characteristics. High productivity is achieved by the simultaneous interaction of the EB in several processing areas or by carrying out several processes simultaneously. EB surface treatment is becoming more and more attractive and important especially in the automotive industry, and also in comparison to laser technologies. This paper deals with different EB surface technologies, for example hardening,remelting, surface alloying, dispersing or cladding of different materials such as steel, cast iron and different alloys of Al,Mg and Ti. Examples of applications in the automotive industry, especially engine components, will be discussed.



