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作者:张洁; 朱斌another周星驰孤独fromwithaboutwhilewould

摘要:It’s high time to talk about the so-called “Two Chow One Cheng”.Let’s start from the Hong Kong “King of Comedy”: Stephen Chow, or Chow Sing Chi. Proud as he is, he is also of a kindly disposition; keeping a low profile for years, while he is always praised by hundreds of thousands. Just as fire fly in the dark, an excellent idol like Chow would surely be outstanding and distinctive wherever he is.After her father, a judger, was put into jail in 1957,Lin Bou Yee, Chow’s mother, with a label of “Five-Black Type”, roamed to Hong Kong for employment from Guangdong Province. In order to be employed, she must had a warrantor; thus she then married with Chow Yi Shang, a pauper of Kowloon, Hong Kong, and born one after another three kids, including two daughters, namely Chow Men Gai and Chow Sing Ha, and a son, Stephen Chow.



《长江丛刊》(CN:42-1853/I)是一本有较高学术价值的大型文学类刊物,自创刊以来,选题新奇而不失报道广度,服务大众而不失理论高度,颇受业界和广大读者的关注和好评。 《长江丛刊》常年开设“本期聚焦”、“一线批评家”、“天窗亮话”、“作家观点”、“文坛广角”、“佳作选读”栏目,并不定期推出“流行势力”、“昨日风景”、“新锐写真”、“名家对话”、“百家放谈”等栏目。
