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Reflections on Web-based language teaching


摘要:Web-based education has been enjoying greater popularity because of its undeniable advantages. It has been seen as a panacea by more and more people in educational field, including language teaching. Based on the realization of the greatpotential brought by the development of technology, some viewpoints about the relationship among technology, teaching andpedagogy are put forward: firstly, technology is a tool, not a strategy; secondly, pedagogical concerns and theory should drive theway technology is used in education, not the other way around; thirdly, what matters more than technology is how the technologyis used for learning, and how it is integrated into the daily, classroom scheme so that active engagement in acquisition-orientedwork take place; and finally, the change of learning environment inevitably calls for parallel changes in teaching and learningprocedures. Available technologies can greatly enhance both student-teacher and student-student interaction and can affordstudents increased opportunities for self directed learning. To be most effective, technology must be used to support well-plannedcurricular goals and should involve carefully designed activities providing students with meaningful educational experiences.



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