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Monitoring the Anthropogenic Impact on the Muddy Coast by Means of Topographic and Bathymetric Surveys North of the Yellow River Mouth, China

作者:HUGuanghai; YANTong; WANGXiuqin; ZHONG...黄河三角洲体积测定增长率支流侵蚀度

摘要:The effects of the artificial-diversion of the Yellow River Mouth for extensive petroleum exploration, beginning in August 1996, on the morphology of the mud flat coast are discussed. Changes in the morphology of the coastal zone were monitored during the period from 1996 to 2000. A Golden Software system was used to calculate the differential surfaces between the surveys in order to investigate the local patterns of accretion and erosion and to determine the volume changes between consecutive surveys. Volumetric studies showed that the net accretion in the study period was about 1.7×108 m3. Between July 1996 and October 1996, a time interval characterized by intense runoff, an accumulation of about 4×108 m3 occurred. In the period from October 1996 to October 1998, a period of diminution in runoff and sediment supply in the upstream, erosion of 8.9×107 m3 occurred, indicating sediment starvation of the area. Between October 1998 and October 2000, due to an inadequate supply of runoff and sediment, about 1.4×108 m3 of sediments was eroded and transported offshore.



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