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(1) Extended Evidence-based Correction Model Contextual Understanding and Application of Evidence-based Correc-tion in Chinese Community Correction


摘要:Based on positivist research, North America have developed evidence-based correction model which include eightscore factors of criminogenic needs, assessment tool of LS/CMI, "RNR" principles of correction, as well as practical strategyof Strategic Training Initiative of Community Supervision. Our case demonstrates that when we apply evidence-based correc-tion model in Chinese community correction, we would confront with the context of complex and dynamic family and com-munity relationship and substantive requirement of clients. Social worker transcend positivist paradigm and adopt criticalhermeneutic paradigm to development more comprehensive assessment and intervention methods. With this new perspectiveand method, we extend the case from personal cognitive-behavoural treatment to family relation adjustment, then to lifeevents interpretation, and even to cultural sensitive critical reflection. Eventually, using this extended case method, we reha-bilitate social relations and social life of clients, not only just controlling recidivism risk.



