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An Interpretation of Multiplicity and Complementary of Translation Criterion with Reference to the Study on Two Chinese Versions of Ode to the West Wind


摘要:The complexity and various intentions or functions of literary translation cause different literary works.The general criteria tohelp evaluate and guide translators to strive for a good translation could be the traditional three principles,these are faithfulness,fluencyand elegance,but it is also feasible to apply some other subordinate criteria to translate or analyze different literary works.The paper fo-cuses on the analysis of multiplicity and complementary of translation criterion on the poem translation,makes comparison and evalua-tion of Gu Zhengkun’s Ode to the West Wind(stanza 4&5) with Zha Liangzheng’s version,and proves that flexible application of thistranslation criterion makes the translated version truly different.



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