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An Empirical Study for Building a Common Reference Scale of Cando statements of Syntactical Analysis Ability


摘要:This study conducts an empirical study of building a common reference scale of Can-do statements of Syntactical AnalysisAbility for NMEE.Studying on language proficiency scale has been done a lot at abroad,but we haven’t had a unified English languageproficiency scale in China until now.Without a common reference standard,this leads to many descriptive problems:such as differentdescriptive indexes,vague definition,unclear level and so on.As an important part of English comprehensive ability,syntactical analy-sis ability processes a large proportion of NMEE.Theoretically Based on Bachman’s(Communicative Language Ability,CLA) and Dengjie’s Discourse Information Cognitive Processing Ability,this study finds that syntactical analysis ability can be described from 38 per-spectives.



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