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On Children’s Literature Translation from the Perspective of Skopos Theory——A Case Study on Harry Potter


摘要:The translation of the children’s literature,as a branch of literature bears its own distinctive features,which is an attractivefield to study.The flourishing contemporary western translation theories provide new perspectives for the translation studies.Among thetheories,Skopos theory raised by German scholars is unique.It was developed by Hans Vermeer,which has provided theoretical supportfor children’s literature translation.The thesis attempts to discuss the translation of children’s literature from skopos theory with a casestudy comparing the two Chinese versions of Harry Potter.This paper focuses on whether the two Chinese versions pertain to specificgroup of readers like children and whether they are attractive enough to cater to children by way of choosing simple words,sentences,etc,which underscores that Han’s Vermeer skopos theory counts a lot in children’s literature translation.By its guidance,the transla-tion of children’s literature will arouse more children’s interest.



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