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The Tendency and Pathway on Accounting Higher- Education Reform


摘要:The accounting higher - education is at a critical historical stage of development. No one could fail to notice the fact that it has been the strategic choices for the governments from all over the world to cultivate the young generation of accountant, and to shape the aceounting talents in the future. For establishing the target of higher - education reform in accountancy, making relative pathway and policy, and taking active action, the education and practice need to exert themselves to cooperate. Whether the accounting higher - education can change the mode of development, and then adhere to the way of connotation - based development depends on ff we can establish the aecreditation system with high quality for education evaluation. It is necessary to build a learned profession for the future by purposeful integration of accounting research, education, and practice for students, accounting practition- ers, and educators. It may be accepted as an innovation to advanee the development of accounting higher - education that keep the openness and conflu- ence in the subject, and design the reasonable learning progressions in professional accounting study.



《会计研究》(CN:11-1078/F)是一本有较高学术价值的大型月刊,自创刊以来,选题新奇而不失报道广度,服务大众而不失理论高度。颇受业界和广大读者的关注和好评。 《会计研究》制定了严格的审稿用稿制度,建立了"三审终审制度"、"双向匿名审稿制度",确保审稿过程科学、严谨、客观、公正;同时,在保证用稿质量的前提下,注重发现和培育学术新人,鼓励拓展会计学新领域,鼓励运用多种研究方法开展理论研究。
