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Wharton's China Stragedy——Interview with Jeffrey A.Sheehan,Associate Dean,the Wharton School,University of Pennsylvania


摘要:Why does the American higher education system enjoy such success? Mr. Jeffrey A. Sheehan, an Associate Dean at Wharton points that the real reason is vitality and mixture of talents, "we hire top professors and find the best students, and then leave them alone, so the road to success is to have the least direction, find the best people and let them follow their pursuits." The Wharton School has 26 years of cooperation with Chinese universities, and provides training programs for off icers from Chinese government and companies.



《国际人才交流》(CN:11-2642/C)是一本有较高学术价值的大型月刊,自创刊以来,选题新奇而不失报道广度,服务大众而不失理论高度。颇受业界和广大读者的关注和好评。 《国际人才交流》杂志高起点、全方位、多视角向读者展示——国际优秀人物成功之路,海外华人闯荡世界苦辣甘辛,外国人在华生活真实状态,国际国内人才流动热点透析,海外就业经商前沿信息,出国留学培训最新机会。
